You will notice the game is not completely finished if you rely on Insaniquarium, I'll be adding more features as time (or compos) goes...
Update : Slot 1 version availlable for R4, M3 Simply, ... Thanx to Gemma for the tests.
Update : New version, memory shortage resolved (for now), seems there are no more gfx corruption (well there may be some rotsets issues after a while, but that won't be hard to fix in next release)
13 commentaires:
how can I work with M3 or R4? When I start, I just see a black screen. I can't patch it with DLDI.
The new version released today (24/02/2007) should work on real hardaware with any linker.
I don't have a hardware to test on for now, still waiting for it to arrive...
Its still a black screen, and I downloaded it from the link http://ben2303.free.fr/NDS/FishTank/
Weird, seems to work fine here... Did you tried to test the rom with No$GBA ? What's your flashcard ?
It is a R4, I've also tried dldi-ing it, but it doesnt have a spot for that, so that didnt work.
I've uploaded another version compiled with most recent libs, maybe you can give it a try ?
I've tried it, but its still a black screen. I dont know anything about Palib, so I would also have no idea what is wrong. When another update has been released I will keep downloading it and hoping it will work. It looks great.
Sorry for double posting, but to install it, all you need is just the .nds file right? If not, then i would not have installed it properly.
sorry, been away for a while... I don't get why it's not working on your side... A friend of mine ordered a M4 a while ago, he should get it soon, I'll make further tests. Yes if you have a R4 the .nds should work, if you have something like a supercard, use the sc.nds (or .gba)
Sounds good, I'll be patiently waiting for an update.
Sorry about the lack of update...
For your information, NEVER BOUGHT ANYTHING from ominfo.com, thanks to them, I've lost 60€ and I didn"t recieve the right package, and now they just don't want to change it... That's really pissing me off....
I hope to find another R4 solution yet....
i get the same problem with my R4 have there been any updates?
hi ben2303,
i am not here to give any comment. actually i am trying to locate a pal having the same nick as yours. i have been trying very hard and a long time to connect but always in vain. i am sorry but if u r the person i am looking for...pls drop me a line even if u do not wish to continue this friendship...just let me know then i shan't disturb u anymore. Anyway, have a nice day.
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